Funny Questions to Ask a Girl You Like
Every single guy needs to know these questions to ask a girl you like because every guy has been there...
There's a girl that you like, and you'd like to get to know better, So, you gather the confidence to approach her and introduce yourself, maybe even start a great conversation.
But then, after a few minutes, the conversation slows down... And eventually, you're saying goodbye to a girl that you had a chance at a good connection with. What's worse, even if you try to pick up talking with her again on another day, the "spark" just isn't there.
What gives? To tell the truth, most guys end uplosing momentum in their conversations long before they end, just by not knowing the right questions to ask a girl that they like. Without having interesting, fun, and flirty questions to ask, you'll end up killing any initial interest she had, and losing an opportunity to really get to know each other.
Luckily, we have a simple solution for you: Browse through this selection of questions to ask a girl you like that we've put together, choose a few of your favorites, and memorize them. That way, the next time the opportunity arises to talk with a girl you like, you'll be prepared with a plan for how to keep her interest.
213 Good Questions to Ask a Girl - Spark great conversations (Animated)
12 Conversation Starters to Ask a Girl You Like
The best conversation starters have a few things in common:
First, they're open-ended, and can't be answered with a simpleyes orno. This keeps the conversation from dead-ending.
Second, they'rebroad enough to appeal to a wide range of people. Save the specificity for after you get to know a person better.
Lastly, they'reconciseenough to be able to fit smoothly into a conversation just after you've transitioned from your introduction. (An important side note: If you've been dating for a while, conversation starters for couples can be a bit longer and more specific.)
Here are 12 conversation starters to ask a girl you like:
1. What's the strangest thing about where you grew up?
Starting a conversation with something both familiarand interesting is a great way to lead into deeper conversation.
2. If you had to eat the same food every day for the rest of your life, which food would you choose?
After asking this one, you can continue to talk about food – including which restaurant you should visit together.
3. What was the most recent movie you saw?
Connect on popular culture while getting a feel for her taste in movies, a great transition into finding a movie for you to watchtogether.
4. If you could bring back one TV show that was cancelled, which one would you bring back?
Passions run high on this question, and everyone has an opinion on it that they want to talk about.
5. What's the best way to discover new music?
Music and human emotion are deeply connected; this question leads you to connect on a deeper level with her.
6. What are you looking forward to this week?
Learn about her preferencesand when she might be free for a date during the week at thesame time.
7. What did you do this past weekend?
Use this question to lead into making plans together forthis weekend.
8. If you had $10 million, would you still be working/going to school?
This will spark a conversation on what shereally wants to be doing with her life.
9. Which do you like more, going out or staying at home?
Either way, follow up with a question about what she likes doing at home or while she's out.
10. If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?
People go into business at what they're best at, so this question will get her talking about her talents and abilities.
11. If tomorrow you woke up with a new quality, talent or ability, what would you like it to be?
What does she want to be good at that she currently isn't? If it's something you could help teach her, you have an instant opportunity to connect on that.
12. If your house caught on fire, what would be one thing you would have to save first?
Once you connect on what's most important to her, it's easy to continue a conversation about that thing.
14 The Best Questions to Ask a Girl You Like
Developing an intimate relationship can be made easier by learning a few important communication skills. The best questions for developing a relationship with a girl you like will lead naturally from your conversation starters, and bridge the gap between "just met" and "know each other well."
10 Best Questions To Ask A Girl You Like - Powerful Conversation Starters to Get Her to Open Up
Here are the 14 best questions to ask a girl you like:
13. What's one personality trait that really impresses you?
Whatever that trait is, it clues you in to how to embody her most desired characteristics.
14. What do you do to cheer yourself up when you are in a bad mood?
By learning how she helps herself, you can also contribute to making her life better (and your connection stronger).
15. What is the one thing that makes you different from anyone else?
Appreciating the unique qualities that she's proud of will helpyou stand out from the crowd of other guys who are interested just in her looks.
16. What's the best thing that you've ever achieved or happened to you?
Get personal with her accomplishments, and you'll be able to figure out what parts of your life are compatible for further connection.
17. What would you not give up for $1,000,000 in cash?
The Beatles said it best – money can't buy you love. Whatever's more important to her than money will be close to her heart.
18. When you think of 'home,' what, specifically, do you think of?
Leonard Cohen wrote a powerful poem about going home – and no matter where she calls home, it will be near to her heart and a great chance for connection.
19. Is there anything you're really passionate about?
Whatever shereally enjoys doing will play a big role in her satisfaction with life. Do you two connect on your passions?
20. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?
To really get to know her, you'll need to hear about her regrets, too – which this question gently implies.
21. Who's the person in your life that you admire most, and why?
The "why" here is key, as it will tell you what she most wants to improve about herself.
22. What characteristic do you most dislike in others?
Getting to know her means understanding not only her likes, but also her dislikes, and this question asks about them directly.
23. What three words best describe you?
How does she see herself, and how does that compare to how you see her?
24. How do you spend your free time, and where do you like to go?
This question gives you all the information you need to suggest a great date.
25. What's one thing you've learned that most people don't know how to do?
Does she have a unique talent or ability that you could appreciate?
26. What is the first think you notice about a guy?
Pro tip: The first thing she notices about a guy will be either an instant turn-on, or immediate turn-off.
13 Flirty Questions For a Girl You Like
Flirting is a crucially important skill, combining playfulness with intimate intention to lead you and her towards a more interesting and genuine connection. If flirting doesn't come naturally to you,try a flirty questions for a girl
Here are 13 great flirty questions to ask a girl you like:
27. If you had X-Ray vision glasses, what would you use them for?
Superman may not have used them to see under people's clothes, but she might...
28. Which three things I would never imagine about you just by your appearance?
Does she have a wild side? This question will let you know.
29. Which 4 things do you think we have in common?
Not only does finding common ground put you closer together in her mind, it can lead to closer physical contact, too.
30. If you don't like romantic gestures, what would you want your guy to do for you instead?
Asking her this puts her in the mind of ifyou were her guy, which is always a plus.
31. What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw me?
First impressions are big – what she says about you reveals a lot about whether she's attracted to you.
32. If we had one day to live together before the world ends, what do you suggest we'd do?
It's almost impossible for her not to think naughty thoughts with this one, even if she doesn't say them outright.
33. What article or style of clothing do you think looks best on a man?
Use this one to plan a long game: After she's forgotten you've asked the question, meet her out while wearing that style of clothing.
34. Which is better: Giving a massage, or receiving one?
It's a win-win: Whichever she prefers, you can playfully suggest doing together.
35. If we were stuck in a room for one day together, what do you think we'd do?
Nudge her thoughts towards intimate time with you using this question.
36. What's more romantic/sexy: cooking for someone or dancing with someone?
Either way she chooses, you can follow up with suggesting cooking or dancing classes together.
37. What's your strangest turn on?
If she doesn't want to answer this right away, you can flirt with her by teasing her about how it's "too weird to share".
38. What do you want to do for our first date?
Not only does this show that you're confident, but also respectful of her wants and desires, too.
11 Funny Questions to Ask a Girl You Like
Women find men who court them with humor to be more attractive, so having funny questions to ask a girl gives you a great intro to a stronger connection with her. You see, memorizing a few funny questions to ask will prepare you to handle whatever sort of conversation arises, and put you in the best position to make a real, lasting relationship with the girl you like.
Here are 11 funny questions to ask a girl you like:
39. What are some things you've seen that you wish you could unsee?
This question naturally leads to sharing funny stories or pictures with each other.
40. If you learned that you were going to lose access to the internetforever at midnight tonight, what would you spend your time downloading?
The internet is a funny place; after she's shared what she'd keep, ask her to show you some of it, as well!
41. If you were a master reverse pickpocket (putpocket?), what would you put into their pockets?
The question itself is funny to begin with, but her answers are bound to be even more creative and amusing.
42. What's the funniest lie you've heard someone tell?
Having her share her own humorous stories helps make the whole conversation funny and interesting.
43. Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and good looking?
A classic misdirect, no matter her answer it'll give you a chance to tease her for it.
44. What's the weirdest nickname you've ever had?
If she won't share (or hasn't had a nickname), take the opportunity to make up one of your own for her.
45. Would you rather have no hair or be as hairy as a caveman?
Crafting hilarious mental images is a great way to get her laughing.
46. If you could only ride a unicycle or use stilts to commute, which would you choose?
Put her in the mood of slapstick comedy if you want to keep the conversation full of laughter.
47. You have $5 to spend at the dollar store, what 5 things would you buy?
Playing word games is a great way to get both of you laughing together.
48. If you were a super villain, what scandalous crime would you commit?
From here, you can follow up with funny questions about what she would wear, or who her henchmen would be.
49. If you were illiterate, do you think you would still enjoy alphabet soup?
A one-liner disguised as a question, deliver this one confidently for best results.
12 Questions For a Girl You Like, to Get to Know Her
When you're talking to a girl you like, it's important to have a handful of get to know you questions to keep the conversation going. By knowing the right questions to ask to get to know a girl, you dramatically increase your odds of developing a genuine, lasting connection with a woman that you're interested in.
Here are 12 questions to ask a a girl you like, to get to know her:
50. What gets you excited?
Knowing what she's passionate about will give you the info you need to connect deeper with her on it.
51. What books have you read more than once?
Books can change a person's mind and personality; if she's read one more than once, you can know that it's a big part of her life.
52. What stresses you the most?
If you really want to get to know her, it's not enough just to know what makes her happy – her stresses are a real part of her, too.
53. What are your goals for the next two years?
Her goals will tell you a lot about her by revealing her deeper motivations.
54. What's one thing on your bucket list?
What's something she most wants to do before she dies? Can you help her do that thing?
55. What were you really into when you were a kid?
Her childhood formed a big part of who she is today, so the things she liked then tell you a lot about her now.
56. What has inspired you recently?
Being inspired in life keeps us happy and healthy. What inspires her shows you what makes her life worth living.
57. What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
Our childhood dreams shape our futures as adults. One way or another, whatever she wanted to be as a kid will still be with her today.
58. What is your guilty pleasure?
Indulging in guilty pleasures together can be a great way to build intimacy.
59. What is your idea of an amazing date?
Take notes on this one, guys: Whatever she tells you, you can use later to make one of your dates even more special.
60. What brings you the most joy in life?
The pursuit of happiness is a common bond for all of us. How can you share in your happiness together?
61. What is your most bizarre pet peeve?
Everyone has something theycan't stand others doing. Learn hers so that you don't do something that will turn her off!
12 Questions to Ask a Girl You Like Over Text
Modern forms of communication like texting are so powerful that they have even been shown to change the way your brain works. Not only will having a good selection of short, punchy questions to ask a girl over text will tip the odds in your favor that she'll want to continue getting to know you in person, but it will also let you continue to build her interest in you even while you're apart.
Here are 12 questions to ask a girl you like over text:
62. What movie do you wish life was more like?
Life can't always be like in the movies, but anything you can do to make it more like one of her favorite movies will score you big points from her.
63. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
What is it that she'sreally good at? This confidence-boosting question helps her see herself in a new light.
64. What do you think of stay-cations?
If she likes them, this question naturally leads into asking her to plan a stay-cation together with you.
65. Do you prefer to wake up early or stay in bed till late in the morning?
Is she a partying night owl, or more of a stay-at-home early bird?
66. If today was the last day of your life, where would you go first?
Getting to know some of her favorite places gives you a chance to learn more about her likes and dislikes.
67. Which song won't leave your head all day after you hear it once?
Of course, once she tells you, you can send her a lyric from the song a few days later to tease her.
68. Do you have a favorite bar in town?
If she answers warmly, that's a great opportunity to find time to meet there for drinks.
69. What's the weirdest thing you've ever done?
Get in touch with her wild side with this short and sweet question, and be ready to share your own weirdness.
70. Have you ever found yourself laughing at a time when it was totally inappropriate?
Keeping text conversations humorous is critical to developing her interest; what does she find funny?
71. What's the worst thing that's happened to you while traveling?
If you can get her sharing her stories over text, it warms up the conversation to continue it in person.
72. You find a remote that can rewind, fast forward, stop and start time. What do you do with it?
Put control in her hands with this question, and you're sure to get some funny answers to keep a great conversation going.
73. What type of movies do you like to watch?
After she shares with you, you can use this information to plan a great movie date.
14 Random Questions to Ask a Girl You Like
Not only are these random questions to ask a girl you like are perfect to throw out there casually to either get a conversation started, but they can also be used to generate momentum mid-conversation if it starts to fade.
Here are 14 random question to ask a girl you like:
74. What's the worst non-illegal habit a person can have?
She'll likely have a strong opinion about whatever habit bothers her the most, and be interested in sharing that opinion.
75. Where is the best place to go to meet awesome people?
What sort of people does she like to meet? Could you go there together sometime?
76. What would your superhero name be?
This leads naturally into follow-ups about what her powers would be, who her arch-nemesis would be, etc.
77. What's a big favor you have done for a friend?
Oftentimes women aren't recognized enough for being a good friend; do your part to congratulate her on the best parts of her personality.
78. Is there anything adventurous you are proud of doing this year?
Bringing up good memories for her is sure to put a positive spin on whatever conversation you're having.
79. What do you find yourself always procrastinating?
We all procrastinate from time to time; what can she just not stand doing on time?
80. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
So often, we work just for money – but this question asks: what is more important to her than money?
81. If you could ask one person, alive or dead, only one question, who would you ask and what would you ask?
Asking unexpected questions like this will get her mind deeper into the conversation you're having.
82. Time freezes for everyone but you for one day. What do you do?
Consequences keep us from doing a lot; what would she do during one consequence-free day?
83. You have to relive one day of your life forever. Which day do you choose?
Bringing her mind back to the best day of her life will lighten the whole mood of the conversation you're having.
84. What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?
Trading short, amusing stories (like what this question asks for) is a great way to connect with each other.
85. What is something that you have gotten in trouble for at school/work?
Every woman has a little bit of a "bad girl" in her – what is the girl you like's particular style of mischief?
86. How often do you dance?
Whether she's an accomplished dancer or has two left feet, this is a great lead into planning to take dance lessons together.
87. What would the title of your autobiography be?
People love talking about themselves, and this question gives her the opportunity to do just that.
8 Personal Questions To Ask A Girl You Like
In order to get to know the girl you like, be sure to have some personal questions to ask her.
Personal questions are perfect for learning the most you can about a girl because they deal with subjects people don't normally talk about.
In this sections, we've picked our best personal question to ask a girl you like but there are plenty more if you follow that blue link!
Here are 8 personal questions to ask a girl you like:
88. Do you think that physical intimacy is important to make a relationship last?
Can a relationship thrive without regular physical contact?
89. Were you ever bullied at school?
Or was she the bully?
90. Why did your first relationship break down?
If she doesn't take any responsibility for it, that's a red flag. It takes two to tango and also two to ruin a relationship.
91. Where do you see us being in a year's time?
Ask this one when you're positive she's interested. If you're still unsure, there's a chance this question might scare her away.
92. What's your favorite fragrance?
According to one study, "...women ranked body odor more important for attraction than "looks" or any other social factor except "pleasantness." In other words: Be nice and smell nice.
93. What's more important to you? Honesty or kindness?
Both must be present for a relationship to work.
94. Who do you get along with best in your family?
You can pick your friends but you're stuck with your family. Call your mother, by the way. She misses you!
95. What's the best part about your work?
Talk about work sparingly because you spend enough time there already.
13 Personal and Deep Questions to Ask a Girl You Like
When you're really starting to connect with a girl that you like, it's appropriate to have some deep questions to ask to solidify that connection. Knowing the right deep questions to ask a girl that you like will put you in a place where the two of you can share openly and honestly with each other, developing real trust and affection.
Here are 13 personal and deep questions to ask a girl you like:
96. Who do you think knows you the best?
If you learn who she's connected to most deeply in the past, then you'll understand better how to deepen your connection with her.
97. Do you think that physical intimacy is important to make a relationship last?
Asking her to share her experiences with physical intimacy puts you in touch with how she feels about her relationships with others.
98. What's more important to you? Honesty or kindness?
The truth really can hurt, but it's essential to healthy relationships. How does she feel about this?
99. What about you would you like more people to know?
Being recognized for what she does will encourage her to continue to develop herself, and this question lets you do just that.
100. If you could go back in time and change one thing you regret, what would it be?
Sharing happy things is easy – but sharing pain (as this question asks) takes a deeper level of connection.
101. What do you value the most when it comes to friendship?
The deepest connections are made by sharing in your core values together, and this question gets you started on that.
102. What advice would you give your younger self?
Youthful folly is a natural part of life, just like growing out of it. How is she proud of the person she's become?
103. Is there any incident that changed your life completely?
Turning points in our lives help us understand ourselves deeper – and this question lets you understand her life on a deeper level.
104. What is your greatest ambition?
If you share in mutual goals, there is a great chance for deep connection in supporting each other through them.
105. What made you realize that your parents were just human like everyone else?
Real maturity comes from moving past our younger selves, and learning about her family life brings you closer together.
106. What in life are you the most grateful for?
Gratitude improves our lives, and is a very personal pursuit. Whatever she's most grateful for is a great place to connect more personally.
107. Did you ever feel totally insecure about something?
Opening up about her insecurities to you will develop comfort and trust, essential elements of a deep connection.
108. What is one thing you will never do again?
What has she learned she doesn't need in her life? This defines her just as much as her accomplishments.
9 Never Have I Ever Questions To Ask A Girl
One of the most flirtatious games ever invented, never have I ever questions always pack a bit of romance into the conversation. When you aren't sure what questions to ask a girl, switch it up with these never have I evers that get her mind turning just the direction you want it to.
109. Never have I ever refused a kiss.
Whatever her answer, now she's thinking about kissing.
110. Never have I ever swum naked.
Give her a chance to tell her wild-child story.
111. Never have I ever wanted my best friend's SO to be my own SO.
It'll be a deep secret, but maybe she'll actually share it.
112. Never have I ever gotten drunk on a work night.
Good to know if you want to ask her out to drinks on a Tuesday.
113. Never have I ever fought with someone that resulted to injuries.
She's cute, but now you'll know if she's tough.
114. Never have I ever had a dream about being a hero.
Everyone has, but what is her dream?
115. Never have I ever performed the Heimlich maneuver.
If she has, the story's going to be worth hearing.
116. Never have I ever fallen asleep while talking to someone on the phone.
A good one to ask if she's done it to you!
117. Never have I ever had a date so bad I had to pretend I had a family emergency so I can bail.
The best part is getting the details on that date.
8 Would You Rather Questions To Ask A Girl
Sometimes good questions don't hit the mark because they're just too open. You give someone too many directions to take their answer, and they're bound to overthink the response. So, simplify your next conversation with a girl by asking some would you rather questions that are fun, silly, and always interesting.
118. Would you rather eat a half-cooked meal or eat a half-burnt meal?
Important to know for those dudes who are bad cooks.
119. Would you rather wear a corset all day long, every day or stiletto heels all day long, every day?
Let her choose her female-fashion torture.
120. Would you rather get a rash from a poor leg wax job or have an entire eyebrow accidentally waxed off?
Is the discomfort or the embarrassing look worse?
121. Would you rather be able to choose your bridesmaid dress or never have to be a bridesmaid again?
Does she love the weddings and hate the fashion or just dislike the weddings?
122. Would you rather go out without makeup or shoes?
Ask this one in winter to make it extra tough.
123. Would you rather go on a fancy date or Netflix and chill?
Is she romantic or casual?
124. Would you rather grieve alone or have your loved ones around?
A tough, honest question for girls you're close to.
125. Would you rather have day-time shifts or night-time shifts at work?
A basic question for girls you work with that can lead to what they do in their free time.
8 First Date Questions to ask a girl
So many guys freeze up under the pressure on a first date. You might be Casanova, and that first date will turn you into an awkward, quiet, boring conversation partner. To break yourself out of that pattern, use these first date questions, so you keep her interested while you get comfortable with the date.
126. What's one new thing you learned this week?
Whether it's a life lesson or a bit of trivia, she'll enjoy sharing.
127. Is there any food you absolutely hate?
Good to know before you head to the restaurant.
128. What's the last book you really loved?
If you need to fill the conversation, she'll talk forever about this.
129. What's the New Year's resolution you always make but fail to follow through?
A fun way to share where you both fall short.
130. What futuristic movie do you think the future will resemble?
If she's into sci-fi, this can lead to an amazing conversation.
131. What is one skill you wish you could be better at?
It could be anything, but her choice will tell you a lot about her.
132. What's your dream destination to travel to?
Share a moment thinking of the places you'd like to go...maybe together.
133. What would be a perfect day for you?
Listen carefully, so if this relationship takes off, you can make it happen.
9 Most Likely To Questions To Ask a Girl
When you're talking to a girl with whom you share a lot of mutual friends, you can leverage those connections into a great conversation through most likely to questions. These questions allow you to both have fun deciding which of your shared acquaintances will do everything from take over the world to refuse to take out the trash.
134. Who would most likely become a CEO at a company ranked amongst the top 100 largest in the world?
Who do you both know who just seems destined for success.
135. Who is most likely to cry over little things?
Share a few thoughts on the overly sensitive people you both know.
136. Who is most likely to get angry quicker?
Do you have the worse temper, or does she?
137. Who is most likely to experience a heart attack?
Don't ask this before biting into that massive hamburger.
138. Who is most likely to become famous?
Talk about all the talents you, she, and your mutual friends have.
139. Who is most likely to read a hundred books in a year?
If you're both bookish, it's a great way to turn the conversation in that direction.
140. Who is most likely to move to another continent?
Who do you know who is adventurous? And how do you both compare to that person?
141. Who is most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?
Who's the toughest person you know, and how can you be sure to get to them before the zombies arrive?
142. Who is most likely to win the lottery and then go into debt within a year?
Share some thoughts on the irresponsible friends you both have.
8 Random Questions To Ask a girl
Sometimes, it's easy to overthink your questioning strategy with girls. You don't need to stick to one type of question, you just need good questions. Often, the best questions are random questions, which lead to fun answers and always keep her on her toes.
143. What position do you often sleep in?
It's random, but she's also sharing some intimate secrets.
144. What era would you choose to live in if you could?
It's a weird one, but everyone has a fun answer to this.
145. Do you have any "skeletons in the closet"?
When it comes out of nowhere, you sometimes get a really honest answer.
146. Have you ever changed someone else's mind about something big?
This gives her a random opportunity to show off.
147. What place would you first travel to if you could teleport?
It's a fun, weird way to ask about the places she'd really like to go.
148. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would be your very first expense?
Always fun to dream about.
149. What do you think about artificial intelligence?
This question shows you value her intelligence and leads to great conversations.
150. Do you have any irrational fears and if so what are they?
A bit embarrassing, but always fun to talk about.
8 Truth Or Dare Questions To ask a girl
There's a reason truth or dare has been popular for generations: it's fun and it's frisky. The trick to this game, though, is to make sure you've got the best truth or dare questions. That way, you don't just have to play flirtatiously with dares, you bring the most interesting questions to the party.
151. Have you ever done something you really regret?
A tough, honest question that always has a quality answer.
152. What is the biggest lie you have ever told?
The story is sure to be worth it...if you can get it out of her.
153. What do most people think is true about you, but isn't?
Give her the chance to change the narrative on her reputation.
154. If given the chance, what charitable cause would you like to start?
A great chance to get an insight into what she really cares about.
156. Do you think you are good-looking?
Is she vain, honest, or does she sell herself short?
157. Do you think you have made your parents proud?
A tough question that always surprises and inspires an honest answer.
158. Have you ever let someone take the blame for something you did?
It's a nasty thing to do, but we've all done it at some point.
159. What is something you do that makes people think you are weird?
She's get the chance to gloat over what makes her unique.
160. When was the most inappropriate time you farted?
This one always gets a laugh when you're asking girls.
How to Start a Conversation with a Girl You Like: 3 Tips
Here are 3 powerful tips on how to start a conversation with a girl you like:
Tip #1: Focus on Your Posture
Not only does your posture affect your confidence in your own thoughts, it also gives you something to focus on besides your own anxieties. When you're looking to approach a girl you like to start a conversation, focus on your body instead of your mind, and the conversation will flow much more naturally.
Tip #2: Ask Open-Ended Questions
While questions like "how's your day been?" might be great for starting conversation with old friends, you need touse a different strategy with girls that you like. Because you don't know each other very well yet, asking questions that can be answered with one word can quickly lead to the conversation ending.
Instead, ask questions thatrequire thought from her, and really get her involved in the conversation. This will break through her natural response to answering questions from guys who only want to hit on her, and get you started into agenuine, meaningful conversation.
Tip #3: Know Your Goals
What is it that you'd most like to see happen from this conversation?Failing to plan is planning to fail, so take some time to considerwhy you're starting a conversation with a girl you like. This way, you can lead the conversation in the right direction from the beginning.
Downloadable and Printable List of Questions to Ask a Girl You Like
Here is a downloadable and printable list of questions to ask a girl you like (right click the image and select Save Image As...):
Looking for More Questions to Ask a Girl You Like?
With all of the categories in this article, you should be well-equipped to start and carry on a conversation with any girl you like. If you're looking for something more specific,we've got you covered:
- A lot of questions to ask your girlfriend are just as applicable to a girl you like, because they lead your emerging relationship in the right direction.
- If you're not sure how to start or where to go next, having some random questions to ask a girl is a great way to mix things up.
- Looking to keep things fresh? Try out these interesting questions to ask a girl.
In Conclusion
With such a wide selection of questions to ask a girl you like to choose from, you're free to memorize a few of your favorites and go make a real connection with a girl you like.
Put on your best charm, pay attention to your posture, and get out there and start doing it – after all, practice makes perfect!
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